Thank you for being with us in Visby!

Posted 23.09.2024

After two years of meticulous planning, it was a great pleasure to reconnect with both old and new colleagues in the picturesque setting of Visby, Gotland. The late summer weather, coupled with the medieval charm of Visby's inner town, created a delightful backdrop for our meeting and social events. Once again, we affirm the significance of in-person meetings within our Scandinavian Society, held biennially. Personal interactions and networking opportunities to exchange ideas and experiences are invaluable and highly rewarding.
The Visby meeting was particularly notable for featuring several stimulating scientific presentations as part of the young researcher competition, with Anna Magnusson ultimately being awarded the prestigious "Young Researcher Award." Additionally, our former president and esteemed board member, Björn Klinge, was honored with the Jens Waerhaug Prize 2024 in recognition of his outstanding contributions to periodontology and the society.
The meeting also marked a significant moment for the ScSP board. We bid a heartfelt farewell to our dear colleague, Eija Könönen, who stepped down after many years of dedicated service as General Secretary and board member. Her role will be assumed by Dagmar Fosså Bunaes from Norway, who will formally begin her position in early 2025, with an introduction to the board and her secretarial duties during the fall of 2024. Furthermore, we also extended our gratitude to our Finnish board representative, Ulvi Gursoy, who concluded his long-standing tenure on the board and will be succeeded by Mervi Gursoy.
The ScSP board expresses its deep appreciation to Eija Könönen and Ulvi Gursoy for their invaluable contributions and warmly welcomes both Mervi and Dagmar to their new roles.

On behalf of the board of Scandinavian Society of Periodontology
Margareta Hultin / Vice president and congress organizer